Since 1967, Malama Torches®️ have been the ultimate expression of the Hawaiian lūʻau torch.
Malama Torches®️ were created by Native Hawaiian artist Donald Namohala Yuen. His daughter Leilehua, and her husband Manu, continue to make the torches and other lighting fixtures.
Hand-crafted in stainless steel to withstand Hawai`i’s salt air, these lū`au torches bring the romance of Hawai`i to your home or business. Each Malama Torch®️ is an individual work of art created by Manu and Leilehua.

Any of the torch designs can be made to work with natural gas, propane, electrical fittings including solar, and self-contained candles or oil lamping.
To purchase Malama Torches®️ for gas-fired installations, visit Beachside Lighting and Design. Please remember, each Malama Torch®️ is individually handcrafted, so there are variations, and no two torches are identical. They will look slightly different from the photographs. Additional ordering information is at the bottom of this page.
To purchase the tabletop versions shown, suitable for candles or lamp oil, visit our Etsy Store.
To order Malama Torches®️
- Propane and Natural Gas torches: contact Beachside Lighting and Design
- Commercial Electrical Installations: contact Beachside Lighting and Design
- Candle Holders, Oil Lamps, Gift items: visit our Etsy Shop
- Custom Designs: contact Info@LeiManu.com
Click on the images to learn more about the subjects depicted on each Malama Torch®️.
Pua Malama Torch®️

Link to purchase PUA Table Topper
Link to purchase PUA Gas Torch
The first of the Malama Torch®️ designs created by Don Yuen, Pua remains especially beloved by those who remember the early days of gracious hotels on Hawai`i Island.
The Mauna Kea Beach Hotel was the very first property to showcase the Malama Torch®️. This premier resort continues to use the iconic PUA design to this day.
Pua is the Hawaiian word for “flower” and poetically refers to a child. Don Yuen’s artistic legacy continues on in the work of his pua, his daughter Leilehua Yuen.
ʻOhe Mālama Torch®️

Link to purchase OHE Table Topper
Link to purchase OHE Gas Torch
Another Don Yuen design, the ʻOhe is inspired by the bamboo of these tropical islands.
ʻOhe was used to make lamakū, tall torches with bamboo handles which held burning kukui nuts or oil-soaked kapa wicks.
The ʻohe also was used to make the ʻohe hano ihu, traditional bamboo nose flute of Hawaiʻi which is used in courting. What an ideal torch to sit beneath while playing the flute for one’s sweetheart!
Bird of Paradise Malama Torch®️

The graceful bird of paradise flower inspired Don Yuen to create this Malama Torch®️.
Just like the flower, this torch is all about romance and drama. When it is lit, one practically expects Delores del Rio to dance in its light!
Of course, torchlight is so beautiful, that it shows anyone to be as romantic as a movie star, so find a pareu, make a lei, and dance the night away!

Aka Malama Torch®️
Also designed by Don Yuen, the chalice shaped Aka (“shadow” in Hawaiian) throws dramatic shadows on the surrounding ground.
The torch provides a shimmering vessel to hold the flame, evoking a sense of mystery and romance.
Although it can certainly hold a flame the same size as the other Malama Torches®️, at two-thirds their height, the Aka is especially suited to areas where a low, quiet flame is wanted to create an atmosphere of contemplation.
Lauaʻe Malama Torch®️

The first Malama Torch®️ designed by Don Yuen’s daughter, Leilehua Yuen, she draws on her experience as a hula dancer and lei maker to express the beauty of the lauaʻe, the maile-scented fern.
The electrical version is quite attractive as landscape lighting, set close to the ground amidst plantings of ferns or other foliage.
All Malama Torches®️ can be set up as either gas or electrical.

Waʻa Malama Torch®️
Designed by Leilehua at the suggestion of her husband, Manu Josiah, this torch celebrates the voyaging spirit of the sailing canoes and their crews.
Wildlife Safety
All Malama Torches®️, except Aka, can be modified to be Honu Safe.
To order Malama Torches®️
- Propane and Natural Gas torches:
contact Beachside Lighting and Design - Commercial Electrical Installations:
contact Beachside Lighting and Design - Candle Holders, Oil Lamps, Gift items:
visit our Etsy Shop - Custom Designs:
contact Info@LeiManu.com